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From 9 to 15 December 2024

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HYVIS at "Pint of Science 2024"

May 15, 2024

Filippo Galluzzi participated to Pint of Science!

Biocube 2023

From 10 to 16 December 2023

Elisabetta Colombo participated in the 2nd edition of the International Winter School and Workshop "Biocube Meeting 2023" Biocube 2023



September 29, 2023

On the 29th September, 2023 Elisabetta Colombo participated to Sharper Night.

hyvis at "science is ready!"

March 18, 2022

On the 18th March, 2022 Elisabetta Colombo participated to Science is ready!, a digital festival that the IIT organized to present the collaborative projects funded by European Union in the framework of Horizon 2020 program. The festival was streamed live on IIT LinkedIn page (62,021 followers) during lunch time. Recording of the episode, which topic was projects in which nature and technology work together, is still available here.

Kick-Off Virtual Meeting

June 18, 2021

We are pleased to anounce that we recently held the HyVIS Kick-off Meeting

Science is ready! in figures: Infographics

Infographics: were produced for each episode to explain the different projects with simple language and nice illustrations

Press review

On December 3th 2021, the news about HyVIS start was released by Project consortium and covered by several international sites and newspapers:


  • Sinapsi bioniche per innovative protesi della retina, Ansa
  • Sinapsi bioniche per innovative protesi della retina: il progetto, Sky Tg 24
  • HyVIS: si sviluppera' a Genova il progetto per protesi retiniche, Il Secolo XIX
  • Sinapsi bioniche per innovative protesi della retina,
  • HyVIS: la sinapsi ibrida per curare le distrofie retiniche, Opentalk
  • Nanotecnologie e neuroscienze per lo sviluppo di protesi ottiche: sinapsi ibrida per curare le distrofie retiniche, In salute news
  • Sinapsi bioniche per innovative protesi della retina, Giornale di Sicilia
  • Sinapsi bioniche per innovative protesi della retina, MSN notizie
  • HyVIS: Hybrid synapses to treat retinal dystrophies, News O Time
  • HyVIS: Hybrid synapses to treat retinal dystrophies, Medical Express
  • Combining nanotechnology and optics, hybrid synapses to treat retinal dystrophies, Nanowerk
  • HyVIS: Hybrid synapses to treat retinal dystrophies, Eurekalert
  • HyVIS: Hybrid synapses to treat retinal dystrophies, Science Magazine
  • HyVIS: Hybrid synapses to treat retinal dystrophies,
  • HyVIS: Hybrid synapses to treat retinal dystrophies, Today UK News
  • HyVIS: Hybrid synapses to treat retinal dystrophies, News binding
  • Nanotecnologie e neuroscienze per lo sviluppo di protesi ottiche: sinapsi ibrida per curare le distrofie retiniche,
  • HyVIS Project, Maxwell Biosystems
  • All'IIT si studia una sinapsi ibrida per l'occhio, TG Rai Liguria
  • Malattie oculari rare - Protesi della retina da sinapsi bioniche, 
  • Sinapsi bioniche per protesi che potrebbero ridare la vista,
  • HyVIS: Hybrid synapses to treat retinal dystrophies, Health & Medicine Week
  • Ecco le sinapsi per salvare la vista, Il Messaggero 
  • MxW a Key partner in EU-Funded Project: HyVis, Maxwell Biosystems Newsletter


  • Consortium Will Combine Optics, Nanotechnology for Vision Restoration,
  • HyVIS: sinapsi bioniche per tornare a vedere,